
Dialogue of Faith: Christianity and Islam set for Sunday in Spring Valley (Spring Valley, MN)

Guest speaker Regina Mustafa will lead an interfaith dialogue at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Spring Valley on Sunday, Sept. 10, following the 9 a.m. service at approximately 10:15 a.m.

In this “Dialogue of Faith: Christianity and Islam,” Mustafa will present some of the basics of the Islamic faith, a brief history of Islam in America and then a time for dialogue. The program is open to the public.

Mustafa is the founder of Community Interfaith Dialogue on Islam in Rochester, a host of the Faith Talk Show, a member of the Rochester city Ethical Practices Board and the 2016 recipient of the Rochester Mayor’s Medal of Honor for her leadership and service to the community.

“As Lutherans we are the reformers of the church,” said the Rev. Mark Van House. “We are in dialogue within the body of Christ and with other faiths throughout the world.”

Mustafa joined one of the Rochester ELCA congregations to see the Luther/Reformation Exhibit in Minneapolis this past January.

“My inspiration comes from my children.  I want a better future for them, a future where they can proudly hold their heads up high as Muslims and Americans. Americans, and especially Minnesotans, are really warmhearted and open-minded people,” she said after that visit.

For more information about Mustafa visit the website

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